"Love is not a feeling, Mr. Burns. It's an ability." Dan in Real Life.
FIREPROOF -- The Movie Preview
I have seen these previews on T.V. and I have been so impressed that networks would run commercials for a movie like this. Not only does it have Kirk Cameron (I so had the poster of him with the blue shirt and white jacket with his hand in the pocket on my wall in junior high!), but it is about something that our culture doesn't always get behind...fighting for your marriage. This movie is playing in select theaters and will only last as long as word of mouth will take it. My friend's sister saw it with her husband and they both said they wished they could call everyone they know to go see it. I hope Jonathan and I get the chance to see this and support something so beautiful... a marriage saved by God's grace.
Oprah had a show last week about why men cheat. She had a doctor that specializes in divorce on her show. He said that the main reason that men cheat is not sex or attraction -- it is appreciation. That another women makes them feel appreciated when they don't feel that way at home. And, couldn't that argument be made for women as well? It's heartbreaking. We all need appreciation...it's a basic human need to feel loved and appreciated. But, what's the balance between selfishness and a basic need? And how often do we take our spouse for granted? I know I do. My husband is a hard worker and a wonderful provider. He is the most intelligent, loyal and honest person I know. That's why I married him. But, how often do I tell him that? How often do I thank him? Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget why we are here to live. And on those days that I don't do such a great job of letting him know; that does not give him the right or the freedom to seek it else where. Frankly, God tells us that our spouse, our children, our parents...no one can completely fulfill our every need. That is why we need Him. WE NEED HIM. I know several women who have fought for their marriages. Whether it be addiction or adultery, they have stayed and they have fought. Some people sit in judgement and think, "I would never put up with that." But, staying and fighting makes you courageous, not a coward. It would be easier to walk away than stay and work through it. I wish our society gave more credit where credit is due.
Oprah had a show yesterday about the drug epidemic in our nation. Whole families addicted to heroin. Their addiction started with prescription medication...the dirty little secret our nation is carrying around. These addicts are generally predisposed to addiction and don't know that when they start these pills, they are starting a journey that no one can end on their own. In this show, they said that the prescription pills had gotten so expensive on the street, that many people turned to heroin because it was cheaper and easier to come by. They are basically now using just to get by...to function. They are so mentally and physically addicted that they have to use every few hours or they start to go into detox. Detox without proper care could be lethal. It broke my heart to hear these people's stories of struggle. A journey from a nice home and job to stealing and living on the streets. And how desperately they are crying out for help. And how desperately they want everyone to know that they are not bad people...they did not want this or see this for themselves. What if our society saw with love and not with judgement? What if the stereotype for addicts changed? It's not just the homeless person asking for money on the corner anymore. It's educated people. It's your neighbor. It's the mom that comes to your playgroup. It's the dad that coaches little league. What if church became a place where alcoholics, addicts and adulators could come and be honest and not feel judged? Because they are coming for the same reason we all are...to receive the grace we don't deserve and to worship the One who gave it.
And what's so different from those addictions to the problems we all have? Pride, Control, Gossip, Lying, Drinking, Food, Porn, Sex, Perfection...They appear smaller and are easier to justify and hide...but, over time they are just as devastating. They eventually crumble under the strain of denial and hurt not just ourselves, but our children, our families, our communities and the body of Christ. I see people every day and I think, "They so need to come to Celebrate Recovery." Christ offers us the gift of freedom...it is for freedom that He set us free. But, we are walking around anchored to chains. God is not done with me yet...we are working on the freedom together.
I am doing this bible study about sex and purity. I realize our society is extremely tolerant. But, can it be blamed for all of our morality problems? We are people with our own minds...we can't always blame our choices on our culture. Does it make it harder? Yes. But, we were never called to an easy life. And just look, networks are promoting a Christian film. Facing the Giants was a huge success. Chronicles of Narnia couldn't have been any more fantastic. You would think that being in Celebrate Recovery that I would be so negative and hopeless for our nation. But, I get to see and hear success stories every week. I get the opportunity to see lives changed by God's power and grace. We can change things...person by person...little by little.I get to be included in God's work. He has given me so much hope...because through Him anything is possible. We just have to be willing to let Him work. We have to be willing to love. Not love just when it's easy. But, love when it's hard. Love the unlovable. I know He is challenging me in this area. I can't love this way on my own...but, I can when I look through His eyes.
Two verses are really speaking to me this week:
"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
I pray that my heart will desire and take pleasure in the things that the Lord's does. Not for blessing, but to honor Him. For it to become my heart's first and natural desire.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
I should love better and I can with the power of Christ. I have realized that I live in some type of fear all of time. What is worry if not fear? What is insecurity if not fear? God is calling me to change and out of my comfort zone...I need to let go of fear and live in love and power of Christ.
There is a youtube video that I so wish I could find and post on here. It's about a guy who is going through his day and he is getting so frustrated with the woman who cut him off on the road, the guy who is taking forever to order his coffee and is holding up the line, the other guy who he thought was rude. Then someone gives him these glasses. He put them on and suddenly he can see a subtitle under everyone..."just got divorced," "struggling with alcohol," "just lost his job." It poses the question of "What would we see if we saw through God's eyes?"
LOVED this! Another beautifully written piece! Thanks to Celebrate Recovery and the great church we belong to this what I saw and was reminded of during worship this past Sunday. Sunday, I made the mistake of looking back (which I was in the front and waiting for Justin to arrive) and I never do that, and it was so emotionally moving to me to see husbands raising their hands in whole hearted submission, families, we've been praying for, with one another, others you could tell were just worshipping with their hearts and voices, I felt like Moses when he begged to have God show his glory and I am sure I wasn't even looking at the Lord's back, more like His back from 200 miles away and I was overtaken with “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children and to the third and fourth generation Exodus 34:6
What a great reminder piece! I will have to come back and read it again and again. It's so good!!
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