getting stuck...part 1...
We had a wonderful Shiloh last night...a blessing of a women's community ministry that was birthed by the vision of one of our pastor's wives and friend, Stephanie. It is also taught by my dear friend, Angela, who has been given the wonderful gift of teaching. She is like our own personal Beth Moore, but better because I can call her my friend...and it's true! The music is led by my other dear friends, Janet and Marla (you will hear about Marla one day, probably touring with The David Crowder Band, if I had my say so...she sounds like a cross between Bethany Dillon, Lisa Loeb and Jewel). In the candlelight, the women look like precious jewels and sound like angels. And why shouldn't they? For we are, in God's eyes. There is so much that was shared that spoke directly to my heart. I have been meditating and reflecting on it ever since. I have such a desire to share the message with others and search deeper for what it means for me. I have a renewed thirst for the Lord. I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good...and I have been reminded of it yet again. I will probably not relay the message as eloquently or do it justice, but I will try...
Angela continued and elaborated on Beth Moore's teaching at her Living Proof Live Event in San Antonio last month. She spoke on Complete Victory in Christ. "The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." (Psalm 16:5-6). God gave the promise to His chosen children, the Israelites, of the Promised Land after he faithfully delivered them from Egypt. Even after all of His miracles, faithfulness and promises, they still doubted and disobeyed. They were told to destroy their enemies in order to take possession of the land that was promised to them. If they obeyed, He would hand it over to them. But, they didn't do what He said. They inhabited the land and attempted to leave peaceably with their enemy that appeared to be so kind. They started worshiping idols when they felt God wasn't enough to help them.
Why do we do this? Why do I do this? Over and over again, God shows up. He promises and He delivers. And yet, I find myself stuck...stuck in worry...stuck in the past...stuck in the future...just stuck. Hasn't He proved Himself to me time and again? So, why do I spend unnecessary time and energy worrying? Hasn't He brought me this far? I tend to worry a lot. I worry about my kids, my husband, our finances, my past, our future, what other people think. Angela said a few Shiloh's back that fearing God is caring more about what God thinks than what others think. Beth Moore said, "Quit trying to be someone else...God wants to show what the Holy Spirit looks like on the uniqueness of you." Wow. I am the only one with my exact, unique story. I might be the only one to share a unique message from God through my past, life experience, faith , gifting and relationship with Him. Because no one else's past, like experience, faith, gifting and relationship with Him is the same. And we are all needed in the Kingdom of God to share reflect the only unique way that we can.
We can have our Promised Land, but we have to go in and take it. It requires work on our part. We have to obey. Failure to obey gives the enemy a foothold. We have to give up our excuses and oftentimes our comfort zones. And that's why it's work. Christ called us to a simple life, but He never said it would be an easy life. Angela asked the question, "Why do we settle for less than what God has for us?" He has promised and desires for us our promised land. Yet, we let our enemy squat on it. We let him squat on our areas of past, life experience, faith, gifts and/or intimacy with God. And when we let him squat and have possession in those areas, we are not letting ourselves have Complete Victory in Christ. When we do not have Complete Victory, we are oppressed in some area; in some way. We are not fully experiencing the promises of God. If ordinary people are to become mighty warriors for God, we need to lay it all at the altar. Ordinary People. Mighty Warriors. Complete Victory. Doesn't that sound sweet?
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