Wednesday, April 9, 2008

give peace a chance...

I came across this blog and it really resonated with me. I thought everyone would get something out of reading it. Who couldn't use a little piece of peace? Sometimes I get so busy with bible studies and ministries, that in all the good things, the peace I am seeking gets lost. This reminded me that it's in the simplest and most quiet times with Jesus where we encounter it. Embrace it.

Why is Quiet Time With Jesus So Important?
When Jesus rose from the grave and appeared in the midst of the disciples meeting behind locked doors, I imagine they were stunned- shocked- overjoyed.With great intentionality Jesus chose the words he would use to greet his beloved disciples. Of all the themes he could have chosen in the moment, he picked what they needed most. What was it?Joy?Hope?Love?While all of these would have certainly been appropriate, Jesus didn't touch on any of the above. He simply said over and over again, "Peace be with you!" According to John 20, it is the first thing He said. He said it again before breathing on them to receive the Holy Spirit. Then when addressing Thomas and his doubts, he said it again, "Peace be with you!"And isn't it interesting that each time Jesus is recorded as saying this, it ends with an exclamation point. This tells me that not only was Jesus intentional with saying this, He was also emphatic. He said it with great emphasis and urgency.Why Peace?And Why did Jesus say it with that particular phrasing "Peace be with you!"?I have a theory. The world is really good at conjuring up facades. Temporary moments of worldly happiness can appear joyful. The world takes hope and mistakes it for wishful thinking. And the world has made love a dime store word used to describe a feeling that can change with the wind.You see, the world can appear to offer joy, hope, and love. The world's offering of these is fleeting, temporary, and dangerously unstable... but it can put on a good show in the short term."I got that promotion- Joy!""I think we can afford this expensive house- hope!""He likes spending time with me- I think I'm in love!"However, jobs can be lost in an instant, houses can be foreclosed on, and feelings of love go as quickly as they come.So for a moment or two the world can offer fake joy, hope, and love.But it can not offer fake peace. It can offer peaceful settings and rituals to conjure up peaceful thoughts... but not true soul contentedness peace. The peace that flows despite circumstances can only be found through Jesus being with us. That's why Jesus phrased it the way he did, "Peace be with you!" In other words, you can walk through anything my sweet follower, if you realize that I am peace and I am with you."So, why is it so important to spend time with Jesus everyday? He will give you the exact instruction and comfort you will need to handle all He sees coming your way today. It is the perfect measure of His peace, packaged up just for you. You can stick it in your pocket and carry it with you throughout your day.Then with great expectation we can face the day and everything in it. Jesus has already whispered to us how to act and even more challenging how to react in every situation. So, instead of being a slave to our emotions and reacting based on feelings, we can remain victoriously peaceful no matter what.Last night we had dinner with a couple who were asking lots of questions about how Art and I handle all that is on our plate... 5 kids, a growing ministry, a restaurant business. We assured them that some days we handle it well but honestly other days it gets a little wacky.Then the husband paused and said, "yes, but through it all you just seem to have such peace."And with that I stuck my hand in my pocket and smiled.

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