I had to speak at our church leadership training on Evangelism this past weekend. Notice I said "had to." I was asked and I was obedient. What's ironic is that I now know that God used this to speak to me. To reveal to me that I have a voice for His Kingdom. That we all have a voice. There is no good or bad, just different ways of spreading the Word...the Truth...the Light. But, we are called to share it...we've got to give it away. We are not measured by anything but what we do for His Kingdom while we are here on this earth. Most people come to Christ through a relationship. It has to start with people. With relating to people. With loving people. Christ loved the unlovable. He touched the lepers. Healed the hurt. Forgave the unforgivable. He asked the poor, uneducated, unpicked fishermen to walk with Him, to be like Him and continue His good work when the time came for Him to go to the cross...for us. We are not a product of just passion...we are a product for purpose. We have to over come the attack of insignificance and realize we are called to a life of significance...for the Glory of God.
My husband and I both are in love with our God of mercy and grace. With His amazing perfect love. With His forgiveness and redemption. With His perfect Son who came, not to condemn, but to save. For never giving up on us or losing faith in us -- even when we do in ourselves. For what He has done in our lives and what we have seen done in the lives of others. I love to hear other people's stories. We learn so much from each other's stories, hurts, truths, hopes and victories. Evangelism can be as simple as sharing our stories. Sharing why we love a God who first loved us. Beth Moore says "show me someone who loves the Lord and I'll show you someone who has needed Him."
Twenty years ago, evangelizing was much different than it is today. Most people in the United States understood Christianity and had a favorable image of it. So evangelizing was encouraging people to commit to something that they already understood which allowed for relatively quick conversions. Today, many people know nothing about Christianity and do not necessarily have a favorable impression of it. Asking people to commit to something that they know nothing about doesn't make much sense. We should begin to measure ourselves based on conversations rather than conversions. Not because conversions aren't important, but because conversions will never happen if we don't first have conversations. In 1 Peter 3:15-16, Peter says, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander."
Too often today, Christians are ready to give the answers even when people aren't asking the questions. This makes us look aggressive, pushy, & argumentative. Instead, we should be leading good lives that encourage non-believers to ask the questions. We need to allow others to belong before they believe because once they belong and see the way we live, they will start asking the questions. And then when they do, we need to be prepared to speak of how God has worked in our own lives. Telling people why they need God and what all he can fix in them makes us look pompous. Telling people how God has worked in our lives makes us look honest, vulnerable and genuine. It lets people know that although we are Christians, we are also people. No better, no worse than anyone else. Our walk needs to be such that Christianity is viewed as inclusive rather than exclusive. A place for sinners not saints. A place where we grow and learn each day not where we have all of the answers. It should be a place where there is unconditional love free from judgment. Church should not be a stage for the performing arts, but a sanctuary for the hurting. It is not through our piety and perfection that people will see the mercy, grace and agape love of Christ in us. It is in our weakness, brokenness, and authenticity that they will see Him. No matter how far we may have fallen, Christianity is a place where God picks us up, dusts us off, and fills us with His love so we can be His light that shines on the world.
Share your faith...Share your story...Share the hope you have...in Christ.
I need reminding about living my life in front of the lost in such a way that they will see my joy and want to know more. Thanks for your words. Love to you!
I love it Jen! What an encouragement you are...
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