Thursday, January 3, 2008

a bit about us...

Jonathan is an amazing husband, father and provider. He amazes me more and more every day. He is the leader for our Celebrate Recovery ministry. He loves anything sports and spending time with his famiy.

I am a stay at home mom who is constantly growing, learning and experiencing my children, my marriage, my life and my amazing God. I love to read, exercise, bible studies and spending time with my wonderful family and precious girlfriends (my sistas).

Isabelle, 5 years old, loves to dance, play, color and anything girly. She is smart, sweet and silly.

Nicholas, 3, is all boy and keeps us busy. He is loving, silly and loves anything superhero.

Rebecca, 5 months, is our sweet, smiling one. A perfect one to end on.

Our newest addition, Muffin the mutt, is cuddly, gentle and fun.


Kristen said...

Jen!!!!!!! You're heeeeeeere! Way to go for finally blogging, and I'm so excited I can see pics of the kids and keep up w/ your happenings. I love you tons!!!

Granny said...

And then of course Kristen immediately sent me the link so I could see you, too--lovely family, and how nice to see your face! I'll be back to check the meantime, visit me at

Welcome to Bloggityville!

Cathi (Kristen's mom)