Tuesday, January 29, 2008

a fountain of useless information...

OK. So, I got tagged. For a meme. I am still not sure what a meme is, but I am thinking it is terribly cruel to have to think of six quirks about myself. I try not to think of my
"quirkiness" as much as possible. The only redeeming value is, like a old-school chain letter, I get to tag six more people. So, we are rocking it old-school style and playing tag! Although, the amazing woman that tagged me is my best friend from high school's mom. Yes, she really is that cool. She not only is an amazing woman, but an inspirational Christian, wife and mom. The only person I know that could have nine children and not one of them turn out poorly. All, like my dear friend Kristen, extremely talented, smart, and creative. All amazing Christians living their life to serve the Lord in their own unique ways. I think I spent just as much time at their house in high school as I did my own. And she still loved me even when her son Nathan cut his hair while I was watching him. Now, that's love! So, to honor Mrs. Warren....here I go.

The rules: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

1. I absolutely love to read. Anything but self help books. I am generally opposed to self help books, as I can never seem to get past the first chapter. That should probably explain a lot...
2. I love music and movies. And chick flicks are my favorite (sorry, Kris -- but I am with you on the country music).
3. I have a really weird thing about baseboards. I think it is because of my mother in law's obsession with them. But, I can't stand dirty baseboards. I also have a theory that if your floors are clean then the whole house will look clean. So I always vacuum before anyone comes over.
4. I positively abhor laundry.
5. I think my husband is really hot in the most mundane of situations. Like watching him talk with our kids, play golf, ski, lead CR or work. Not bad after 7 1/2 years.
6. I worry entirely too much about what people think about me for being a 31 year old woman. I know, seriously.

OK...I am not sure how to tag other people. But I am giving a shout out to the only other people I know that have blogs. Stephanie Cherry, Autumn Arispe, Jonathan Baker, Andrea Jensen, Cory Brown, and surely one of the many Warrens haven't gotten tagged yet?? Tag....you're it!


Granny said...

Thank you for being such a good sport...and thank you for the kind words. And don't worry about 31...you'll always be 17 to me.

Oh, and Nathan's hair has never been the same ;-)

Kristen said...

You're so fun!