Wednesday, March 12, 2008

my 2 cents

Forgive me in advance for these rantings from my soapbox. But, I delight in one of the many freedoms men and women have died to allow me to have and that is the freedom of speech. And because it's my blog, I can say what I want. And you have the freedom to disagree...Isn't that great?

One of my best friends has been listening to a Christian talk radio station in Dallas. She usually finds it interesting, insightful and sometimes even uplifting. But, then there are other times...Like when they bashed yoga and called it anti-Christian. She thought it was a ridiculous argument and could understand why people turn away from organized religion and God when faced with judgement in unimportant and unnecessary arguments.

The fact is that yoga is not a is a philosophy. And for most people it is...(dramatic pause for this shocking revelation) EXERCISE. And actually can be quite a Christian experience when you couple it with prayer and praise and worship music.

Let me pose a question...when did me demote Christianity to merely a dissection of how we dress, how we exercise, what we watch on TV, what books we read, who we vote for, if we breastfeed, if we home school, or what church we attend? When did we start putting God into a box of who WE think He is? Especially if it matches our opinions. Opinion: o·pin·ion /əˈpɪnyən/ –noun
a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

Everyone has an opinion and is entitled to their opinion. But, it doesn't necessarily make them right. There is a lot of scripture that offers guidelines on non-essential issues in a Christian life. I don't think there are always black and white answers to every issue. There are many shades of gray when opinions are involved. This is where prayer, discernment and the Holy Spirit comes in. And it works differently in every Christian's life. We cannot be other people's Holy Spirit. We are each convicted and called to live in different areas, in different ways, at different times. Different. Not better, not worse. Just Different. And we are on a journey...constantly changing and growing - hopefully - if we are being led by the Holy Spirit. It's like my dad says in one of his many "Dadisms..." "If we both agree on everything, then one of us isn't necessary."

And isn't that what is so amazing about God? That He made us all different, but STILL in His own image. And when we receive the Holy Spirit through our salvation through faith, we receive unique, different and special spiritual gifts to go along with our unique, different and special talents, personalities and life experiences to do...what? edify and unite the body of Christ. So why is it that we spend so much time focusing on the very non-essential issues that cause division and separation, when we could focus on the core issues that unite and bring us together for a greater purpose? I believe there are more important things that we have in common than the semantics and logistics that make us different. Like, "Do you believe in your heart that Christ is the Savior?" Isn't that the important question? So, why do we spend so much time looking at the outward appearance and obedience of a Christian, when we should be looking at what's in the heart? "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7).

C.S. Lewis makes a point in his book, Mere Christianity. We do not have to argue Christ's existence. We know He existed. We even know that He died on the cross. It's why He died on the cross that we need to argue. We have a choice to make. Christ is either who He says He is or He is a liar. He is either the Savior or He is a crazy person.

Sometimes a tv show is just a tv show. Sometimes a book is just a book. Sometimes yoga is just exercise. God is not Baptist or Catholic or Methodist or Lutheran. He is not a Republican or a Democrat. He doesn't live in a building...or a box. So why do we let all the other little things matter? It's like a bad stand-up comedy routine..."You might be a Christian if..." I find that I am the most insecure and self-doubting when I am in a bible study with opinionated Christian women. Isn't that sad? Didn't Christ come to bring a new covenant and do away with the legalism? My dad has another "Dadism..." "You are working under the assumption that I care about what you think." And why do I care so much about what other people think? Why have I spent so much of my life trying to be what and who others want be to be? The only One who can judge is the One who can stand perfect in judgement. The only One whose opinion should count is the only One whose opinion matters. "Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10).

When did we, as Christians, start to offer judgement instead of grace? No wonder people have issues with organized religion and the concept with a loving and merciful God. It's like the saying, "You can catch more bees with honey." Well, you can reach more unbelievers with grace. Why do we think people come to church in the first place? They come because they are looking for a different answer. They come because they are tired of filling a void and want to finally fulfill it. They come because they want to know and feel that they can still be a good Christian and not have it all not be perfect. And isn't that what God says?? Come to me, you broken children...come to me with your you are...for it is in your brokenness that I see your is in your mess that I can heal and redeem you...if you let me. How many Christians do you think struggle with depression, addiction, eating disorders, anger, pride, pornography, alcohol, and codependency? How many people do you think never start on the road to recovery and continue to live in denial because it is so hard to say, "I AM a believer who struggles with..." Because of the fear of judgement...of rejection...of being a Christian, but not being good enough...of being too much and not enough at the same time.

"In fact, the only thing getting in the way of our being fully captivating and enjoyed is our STRIVING...'He will quiet you with his love.' (Zeph 3:17). A woman of true beauty offers other the GRACE TO BE and the room TO BECOME." (Captivating by John and Stasi Eldridge).

Some people try to listen to the bottom of a bottle
Some people try to listen to a needle in their arm
Some people try to listen to the money in their pocket
Some people try to listen to another's arms

You and I are not that different
We got a void and we're just trying to fill it up
With something that will give just a little peace
All we want is a hand to reach to
Open arms that say I love you
We'd give anything to hear
The voice of a Savior

Some people try to find it with blind ambition
Some people try to find it where no one else has gone
Some people try to find it in the crowns of victory
Some people get defeated and lose the strength to carry on

You and I are not that different
We got a void and we're just trying to fill it up
With something that will give just a little peace
All we want is a hand to reach to
Open arms that say I love you
We'd give anything to hear
The voice of a Savior

Some people try to find it in the shadow of a steeple
Some people try to find it in the back row pew
Some people try to find it in the arms of Jesus
That's where I found it, how about you?

(The Voice of a Savior - Mandissa)


Steph Cherry said...

You sound really angry. I am guessing this is also about my blog which is just trying to get people to think about what they are putting in their minds (the mind of Christ). I have taught Yoga. I have watched smut.

Porn, pre-marital sex, false gods, and all the things we see on tv are in the Bible. If God is truly my lover and my husband and I even show slightly that I would choose any small sin over Him, I show that I don't love Him like I say I do.

I think on the Yoga thing it is because it's origins were to connect people to a Cosmic Consciousness (not God) and the positions all have meaning. If you are not doing that, it's stretching and not Yoga. That's the argument of the people opposed to it.

I always think that if my husband kept seeing me out with another man who also wanted to be my husband and I told him I don't think of him like that, how would he feel?

I didn't mean to make you mad about the tv thing. I just keep hearing the same thing over and over (from several people) and God placed it on my heart to put it before my sisters to consider what they are watching and what we present to others. I wasn't trying to attack anyone. I tried to word it with respect to stir the thoughts of the readers. I feel this article attacked my sharing.

Kristen said...

Jen, it was good to read your believers its so easy to get caught in a trap of trying to measure up and earn God's favor by doing "stuff". I personally have high standards, but I hate legalism...and its hard to know the difference sometimes. The truth is that nothing we do can earn the grace of God that was freely given, and we must also extend grace to those who are (as Paul says) "weaker in faith" or just have some different standards. So exciting to see Him growin you! Much love and I miss you!