I had to speak at our church leadership training on Evangelism this past weekend. Notice I said "had to." I was asked and I was obedient. What's ironic is that I now know that God used this to speak to me. To reveal to me that I have a voice for His Kingdom. That we all have a voice. There is no good or bad, just different ways of spreading the Word...the Truth...the Light. But, we are called to share it...we've got to give it away. We are not measured by anything but what we do for His Kingdom while we are here on this earth. Most people come to Christ through a relationship. It has to start with people. With relating to people. With loving people. Christ loved the unlovable. He touched the lepers. Healed the hurt. Forgave the unforgivable. He asked the poor, uneducated, unpicked fishermen to walk with Him, to be like Him and continue His good work when the time came for Him to go to the cross...for us. We are not a product of just passion...we are a product for purpose. We have to over come the attack of insignificance and realize we are called to a life of significance...for the Glory of God.
My husband and I both are in love with our God of mercy and grace. With His amazing perfect love. With His forgiveness and redemption. With His perfect Son who came, not to condemn, but to save. For never giving up on us or losing faith in us -- even when we do in ourselves. For what He has done in our lives and what we have seen done in the lives of others. I love to hear other people's stories. We learn so much from each other's stories, hurts, truths, hopes and victories. Evangelism can be as simple as sharing our stories. Sharing why we love a God who first loved us. Beth Moore says "show me someone who loves the Lord and I'll show you someone who has needed Him."
Twenty years ago, evangelizing was much different than it is today. Most people in the United States understood Christianity and had a favorable image of it. So evangelizing was encouraging people to commit to something that they already understood which allowed for relatively quick conversions. Today, many people know nothing about Christianity and do not necessarily have a favorable impression of it. Asking people to commit to something that they know nothing about doesn't make much sense. We should begin to measure ourselves based on conversations rather than conversions. Not because conversions aren't important, but because conversions will never happen if we don't first have conversations. In 1 Peter 3:15-16, Peter says, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander."
Too often today, Christians are ready to give the answers even when people aren't asking the questions. This makes us look aggressive, pushy, & argumentative. Instead, we should be leading good lives that encourage non-believers to ask the questions. We need to allow others to belong before they believe because once they belong and see the way we live, they will start asking the questions. And then when they do, we need to be prepared to speak of how God has worked in our own lives. Telling people why they need God and what all he can fix in them makes us look pompous. Telling people how God has worked in our lives makes us look honest, vulnerable and genuine. It lets people know that although we are Christians, we are also people. No better, no worse than anyone else. Our walk needs to be such that Christianity is viewed as inclusive rather than exclusive. A place for sinners not saints. A place where we grow and learn each day not where we have all of the answers. It should be a place where there is unconditional love free from judgment. Church should not be a stage for the performing arts, but a sanctuary for the hurting. It is not through our piety and perfection that people will see the mercy, grace and agape love of Christ in us. It is in our weakness, brokenness, and authenticity that they will see Him. No matter how far we may have fallen, Christianity is a place where God picks us up, dusts us off, and fills us with His love so we can be His light that shines on the world.
Share your faith...Share your story...Share the hope you have...in Christ.
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
a fountain of useless information...
OK. So, I got tagged. For a meme. I am still not sure what a meme is, but I am thinking it is terribly cruel to have to think of six quirks about myself. I try not to think of my
"quirkiness" as much as possible. The only redeeming value is, like a old-school chain letter, I get to tag six more people. So, we are rocking it old-school style and playing tag! Although, the amazing woman that tagged me is my best friend from high school's mom. Yes, she really is that cool. She not only is an amazing woman, but an inspirational Christian, wife and mom. The only person I know that could have nine children and not one of them turn out poorly. All, like my dear friend Kristen, extremely talented, smart, and creative. All amazing Christians living their life to serve the Lord in their own unique ways. I think I spent just as much time at their house in high school as I did my own. And she still loved me even when her son Nathan cut his hair while I was watching him. Now, that's love! So, to honor Mrs. Warren....here I go.
The rules: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
1. I absolutely love to read. Anything but self help books. I am generally opposed to self help books, as I can never seem to get past the first chapter. That should probably explain a lot...
2. I love music and movies. And chick flicks are my favorite (sorry, Kris -- but I am with you on the country music).
3. I have a really weird thing about baseboards. I think it is because of my mother in law's obsession with them. But, I can't stand dirty baseboards. I also have a theory that if your floors are clean then the whole house will look clean. So I always vacuum before anyone comes over.
4. I positively abhor laundry.
5. I think my husband is really hot in the most mundane of situations. Like watching him talk with our kids, play golf, ski, lead CR or work. Not bad after 7 1/2 years.
6. I worry entirely too much about what people think about me for being a 31 year old woman. I know, seriously.
OK...I am not sure how to tag other people. But I am giving a shout out to the only other people I know that have blogs. Stephanie Cherry, Autumn Arispe, Jonathan Baker, Andrea Jensen, Cory Brown, and surely one of the many Warrens haven't gotten tagged yet?? Tag....you're it!
"quirkiness" as much as possible. The only redeeming value is, like a old-school chain letter, I get to tag six more people. So, we are rocking it old-school style and playing tag! Although, the amazing woman that tagged me is my best friend from high school's mom. Yes, she really is that cool. She not only is an amazing woman, but an inspirational Christian, wife and mom. The only person I know that could have nine children and not one of them turn out poorly. All, like my dear friend Kristen, extremely talented, smart, and creative. All amazing Christians living their life to serve the Lord in their own unique ways. I think I spent just as much time at their house in high school as I did my own. And she still loved me even when her son Nathan cut his hair while I was watching him. Now, that's love! So, to honor Mrs. Warren....here I go.
The rules: (1) Link to the person that tagged you. (2) Post the rules on your blog. (3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself. (4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. (5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
1. I absolutely love to read. Anything but self help books. I am generally opposed to self help books, as I can never seem to get past the first chapter. That should probably explain a lot...
2. I love music and movies. And chick flicks are my favorite (sorry, Kris -- but I am with you on the country music).
3. I have a really weird thing about baseboards. I think it is because of my mother in law's obsession with them. But, I can't stand dirty baseboards. I also have a theory that if your floors are clean then the whole house will look clean. So I always vacuum before anyone comes over.
4. I positively abhor laundry.
5. I think my husband is really hot in the most mundane of situations. Like watching him talk with our kids, play golf, ski, lead CR or work. Not bad after 7 1/2 years.
6. I worry entirely too much about what people think about me for being a 31 year old woman. I know, seriously.
OK...I am not sure how to tag other people. But I am giving a shout out to the only other people I know that have blogs. Stephanie Cherry, Autumn Arispe, Jonathan Baker, Andrea Jensen, Cory Brown, and surely one of the many Warrens haven't gotten tagged yet?? Tag....you're it!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
warriors for the kingdom...
There is radio station in Birmingham, Alabama called Rick and Bubba. Yes, Rick and Bubba. My best friend from college, Stephanie, called me first thing in the morning yesterday to share their story with me. And, boy, did it touch my heart. To hear the emotion of hope and faith in her voice and to hear the story of a father, a family, a community use an earthly tragedy of loss to speak of the Father's glory left me in awe. What an amazing testimony. And it reminded me of how many times we witness that. Our friends, The Adams, who shared their faith in the Lord while their baby son fought cancer and is now cancer free. My friend, PJ, with her baby in the NICU, praising God every day for His many blessings. Women, like my Sisters in Christ, that put their heart on the line every day to nuture, witness and tend to other women. Celebrate Recovery members showing up every week to be so real and so raw for His glory. Misionaries overseas fighting the good fight. Mothers and fathers raising up the next generation of believers. People every day willing to be changed and transformed for the purpose of God's purpose. People every day working for their Father's glory...warriors for the Kingdom of God. Sharing the Good News. Going on the Great Commission. Living for the Lord.
I have attached the link to The Rick and Bubba Show. It has a 3 part video of a "Celebration Service" for William Bronner -- a father's amazing testimony of FAITH and how faith and HOPE can create CHANGE. How God can work everything and anything for GOOD.
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.." (1Peter 3:15)
Keep up the good fight...warriors!
I have attached the link to The Rick and Bubba Show. It has a 3 part video of a "Celebration Service" for William Bronner -- a father's amazing testimony of FAITH and how faith and HOPE can create CHANGE. How God can work everything and anything for GOOD.
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.." (1Peter 3:15)
Keep up the good fight...warriors!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
i think we've been here before...
Ever watched "Groundhog Day?" I feel like I am living that movie...the same day over and over again. It started a couple of weeks ago with Becca having her first ear infection. Then Izzy fell off the swing at school. Then Izzy threw up in the middle of the night last week. Then Becca threw up on Friday. Then Izzy threw up again in the middle of the night. Then Jonathan threw up. Then Becca gets an ear infection in the other ear. Then, just when I thought we were done...Izzy threw up again last night and my husband just texted me from the bathroom at work. Muffin seems to be chewing her way through our house and my pile of laundry is rivaling the height of the Empire State Building.
My friend, Jackie, posted on her blog about "The Killer Hour." (You should check it out...and she just went to Sundance...jealous!). All of you stay at home moms can relate. You know it: the last hour before Dad comes home from work when all the kids are tired and melting down (including Mom), you're trying to get dinner ready with a 3 year old whining about how hungry he is when you know he won't eat once it's time to sit down for dinner and you would like to get the house back into some resemblance of order so that your husband can come home to a 2008 version of a "Leave it to Beaver" home. It's bad when the "Killer Hour" is the last 2 hours of the day. It's really bad when it starts at 10am. It's really, really bad when it has lasted 5 days!
These are the days when I feel like I am treading water and barely keeping my head above it. When I go to bed at night thinking about what I could have done better and only seeing where I am failing. Could this be the enemy? I know he distracts and discourages...but, would he seriously attack the simple things in life? I think so. Because it always starts small and then before I know it, it has spiraled into complete self-loathing and despair. Unfortunately, he doesn't have to work very hard with me. Like Captivating says, some women are more susceptible to believing the lies of the enemy. My dear friend Stephanie says he often speaks to us in first person so that we cannot discern his lies from our own thoughts. And our Pastor Marty has said that God will convict, but never condemn - that is the way to discern where the critical voice is coming from. But, I get to where I cannot tell the lies from the truth. They seem to be much easier for me to believe.
That is why I am so grateful for the GRACE and MERCY of the LORD. And the beautiful FRIENDS -- no, SISTERS -- He has put in my life. And my HUSBAND, who is my best friend of all. Who challenges me to grow and be real and...be better. I know I am on the verge of TRANSFORMATION and the enemy does not want chains to be broken. But, I am BROKEN. Sometimes we have to be broken before we can be beautiful. We have to be truly humbled and bow down before we can be blessed. We have to trade our ASHES in for BEAUTY. I am not there yet, but I hope and believe I am on my way.
"The King is enthralled with your beauty." (Psalms 45:11)
Bethany Dillon, "Beautiful"
"I want to be beautiful
And make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart
And be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
I just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful"
My friend, Jackie, posted on her blog about "The Killer Hour." (You should check it out...and she just went to Sundance...jealous!). All of you stay at home moms can relate. You know it: the last hour before Dad comes home from work when all the kids are tired and melting down (including Mom), you're trying to get dinner ready with a 3 year old whining about how hungry he is when you know he won't eat once it's time to sit down for dinner and you would like to get the house back into some resemblance of order so that your husband can come home to a 2008 version of a "Leave it to Beaver" home. It's bad when the "Killer Hour" is the last 2 hours of the day. It's really bad when it starts at 10am. It's really, really bad when it has lasted 5 days!
These are the days when I feel like I am treading water and barely keeping my head above it. When I go to bed at night thinking about what I could have done better and only seeing where I am failing. Could this be the enemy? I know he distracts and discourages...but, would he seriously attack the simple things in life? I think so. Because it always starts small and then before I know it, it has spiraled into complete self-loathing and despair. Unfortunately, he doesn't have to work very hard with me. Like Captivating says, some women are more susceptible to believing the lies of the enemy. My dear friend Stephanie says he often speaks to us in first person so that we cannot discern his lies from our own thoughts. And our Pastor Marty has said that God will convict, but never condemn - that is the way to discern where the critical voice is coming from. But, I get to where I cannot tell the lies from the truth. They seem to be much easier for me to believe.
That is why I am so grateful for the GRACE and MERCY of the LORD. And the beautiful FRIENDS -- no, SISTERS -- He has put in my life. And my HUSBAND, who is my best friend of all. Who challenges me to grow and be real and...be better. I know I am on the verge of TRANSFORMATION and the enemy does not want chains to be broken. But, I am BROKEN. Sometimes we have to be broken before we can be beautiful. We have to be truly humbled and bow down before we can be blessed. We have to trade our ASHES in for BEAUTY. I am not there yet, but I hope and believe I am on my way.
"The King is enthralled with your beauty." (Psalms 45:11)
Bethany Dillon, "Beautiful"
"I want to be beautiful
And make you stand in awe
Look inside my heart
And be amazed
I want to hear you say
Who I am is quite enough
I just want to be worthy of love
And beautiful"
Izzy with the roses that Daddy brought her after he learned that she fell off the swing of school. Apparently she was trying to jump off the swing and land into a forward roll. It didn't go well. There were rocks involved...
Nicky as Super-Nicky-Spidey-Ninja-Hero.
Yes, we have a divided home. Izzy has become a huge Longhorn fan. So much so that she refused the Aggie sweatshirt that Grandma got her for Christmas. Nicky and Jonathan are starting early on Becca.
Monday, January 14, 2008

Chrysalis: "Before it becomes a butterfly, a caterpillar goes through a growth stage during which it is called a "chrysalis." On the surface it may not look like much is happening, but the delicate chrysalis process changes the fuzzy caterpillar into an awesome butterfly with wings of intricate designs and intense colors. The chrysalis process symbolizes how Christ can transform you into something beyond your dreams. It happens when you grow beyond yourself, opening your life to Jesus' power and love."
Blessing: "Bowing down to receive the expressions of divine favor that in the inner recesses of the human heart and mind make life worth the bother. When you and I find our places in Christ where God can freely fulfill His promises to us, we will also experience immeasurable blessing."
Live: "To continue to have life; remain alive. To dwell or reside. To experience or enjoy life to the full."
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." (John 15:5-8).
"He promised them a place they could settle and dwell in blessing. A land they could posses. A place they could find sabbath rest. According to John 15, New Testament believers have likewise been called to a place of abiding. Living. Dwelling...Not some fruit. Much fruit. Beloved, can you accept the truth that your heavenly Father wants to show His glory through using your life to bear tremendous fruit? Your personalized Promised Land is the abiding place where you get to see God keep the promise of a great harvest through your life." (Believing God, Beth Moore).
God can use anything for good and for His glory...and just imagine and believe, we can be abundantly blessed if we are obedient enough to allow Him. But, this also calls us to be REAL. To take of the masks of perfection and the act of having it all together. To share our stories, our hurts and our victories in Christ. To let people in and show our authentic and changed heart, broken and all. We can live, abide, dwell in Christ. We can be blessed by bowing down before The One who loves us, treasures us and heals us. We can trade our ashes in for beauty. We can be changed from the inside out, bearing the markings of transformation, beauty and redemption. We can become Captivating. We can become the person God desired, created and yearns for us to be. We can stand in Grace.
In church on Sunday, I could just feel the hurts and pains of those around me. But, I could also feel the hope of a new day..."Joy comes with the morning," We start our prayer meeting and our Captivating bible study tomorrow. I know that revival, renewal and redemption is on the horizon. I know that chains will be broken, hurts will be healed, hearts will be changed and beauty will be unveiled. As Beth Moore says, "Beloved, we are not stuck...we are healing." I hear the calling and I want to be obedient...I want to be blessed...abundantly.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
a healing...a calling
Can I just call out how amazing my husband is today? Today celebrates two years of sobriety for him. And for two years, he has thanked God for His gift of grace. For two years he has allowed God to use our hurts and pain for good. For two years he has reached out and helped others find their path to recovery. For two years he has grown to be the godly man, husband and father I always knew he would be.
I know I keep going on about the stirring deep in my soul for what is to come this year. A year of revival and redemption. I have never been so excited about a new year before. I know that God is working in me, in my husband, in friends, in our women's ministry, in our church, in our community and in our recovery group. He is sifting us and pushing us out of our comfort zones and asking for obedience for blessings. He wants more from us in order to give more to us. This is a season of tremendous hope in our struggles, perserverance in our faithfulness, belief in the abundance of our blessings and the transformation of full redemption. Can I tell you how excited I am for what is in store? It is terrifying to be in the midst of it, but I have so much hope and faith for the deliverance of what's to come and excited about what glory we will bring to Him through this.
Beth Moore said that she had a season of being challenged to love God more, know Him more and to believe Him more. There is a difference in believing in Him and believing Him. I am in a season of all three. I have been on this journey for almost three years and feel as though I am starting to see the dawn of rejoicing. I have been waiting to read Captivating for over a year now. And now we are doing a bible study on it starting next week. I know that there is a specific reason why God had me wait. A study about understanding the desires of a women's heart and the purpose for our special and specific creation. A study about the secret of the feminine heart and how to live a live fully healed and pleasing to the Lord. What could be more perfect?
We had our Shiloh women's ministry event last night. My dear, precious friends Angela, Marla, Janet and Stephanie lead this amazingly powerful ministry. I can't tell you how God has gifted them to bring Him glory. And how obedient they are to His calling. They have been such a blessing to me. And as Captivating says...every time you meet a woman, ask yourself what God is revealing of Himself to you through her, for we were made in His image and are a reflection of His compassion and love. We, as women, are relational to the core. God has blessed me with the amazing and inspiring women He has placed throughout my life and in my life. I thank Him and thank all of you, the bold and beautiful women that live the example every day.
I know I keep going on about the stirring deep in my soul for what is to come this year. A year of revival and redemption. I have never been so excited about a new year before. I know that God is working in me, in my husband, in friends, in our women's ministry, in our church, in our community and in our recovery group. He is sifting us and pushing us out of our comfort zones and asking for obedience for blessings. He wants more from us in order to give more to us. This is a season of tremendous hope in our struggles, perserverance in our faithfulness, belief in the abundance of our blessings and the transformation of full redemption. Can I tell you how excited I am for what is in store? It is terrifying to be in the midst of it, but I have so much hope and faith for the deliverance of what's to come and excited about what glory we will bring to Him through this.
Beth Moore said that she had a season of being challenged to love God more, know Him more and to believe Him more. There is a difference in believing in Him and believing Him. I am in a season of all three. I have been on this journey for almost three years and feel as though I am starting to see the dawn of rejoicing. I have been waiting to read Captivating for over a year now. And now we are doing a bible study on it starting next week. I know that there is a specific reason why God had me wait. A study about understanding the desires of a women's heart and the purpose for our special and specific creation. A study about the secret of the feminine heart and how to live a live fully healed and pleasing to the Lord. What could be more perfect?
We had our Shiloh women's ministry event last night. My dear, precious friends Angela, Marla, Janet and Stephanie lead this amazingly powerful ministry. I can't tell you how God has gifted them to bring Him glory. And how obedient they are to His calling. They have been such a blessing to me. And as Captivating says...every time you meet a woman, ask yourself what God is revealing of Himself to you through her, for we were made in His image and are a reflection of His compassion and love. We, as women, are relational to the core. God has blessed me with the amazing and inspiring women He has placed throughout my life and in my life. I thank Him and thank all of you, the bold and beautiful women that live the example every day.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
a bit about us...
Jonathan is an amazing husband, father and provider. He amazes me more and more every day. He is the leader for our Celebrate Recovery ministry. He loves anything sports and spending time with his famiy.
I am a stay at home mom who is constantly growing, learning and experiencing my children, my marriage, my life and my amazing God. I love to read, exercise, bible studies and spending time with my wonderful family and precious girlfriends (my sistas).
Isabelle, 5 years old, loves to dance, play, color and anything girly. She is smart, sweet and silly.
Nicholas, 3, is all boy and keeps us busy. He is loving, silly and loves anything superhero.
Rebecca, 5 months, is our sweet, smiling one. A perfect one to end on.
Our newest addition, Muffin the mutt, is cuddly, gentle and fun.
I am a stay at home mom who is constantly growing, learning and experiencing my children, my marriage, my life and my amazing God. I love to read, exercise, bible studies and spending time with my wonderful family and precious girlfriends (my sistas).
Isabelle, 5 years old, loves to dance, play, color and anything girly. She is smart, sweet and silly.
Nicholas, 3, is all boy and keeps us busy. He is loving, silly and loves anything superhero.
Rebecca, 5 months, is our sweet, smiling one. A perfect one to end on.
Our newest addition, Muffin the mutt, is cuddly, gentle and fun.
in the beginning...
i find it fitting that our first post to our blogspot is at the start of this new year. I feel a stirring deep in my soul for the journey we are on for this new year. God has done amazing work at miracles, change and redemption throughout our journey and I truly feel an excitement building for what He has in store for the story of us.
i am hopeful for what is to come and i am excited to share the story of us with you who have been with us throughout the journey.
i am hopeful for what is to come and i am excited to share the story of us with you who have been with us throughout the journey.
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