Wednesday, December 2, 2009

it's all in the details...

Ever have a day where you get up at 6am hoping for some quiet time and a cup of coffee before you hear the pitter patter of little feet, yet there they come? Probably because those little feet were kicking you all night in bed and couldn't help but get up when you did! Then as you kiss your oldest good-bye you hear the crashing of a plate of left-over french toast being pulled down from the counter by one of the dogs...while the other one is peeing and pooping in the other room. Then as you put the dogs out to try and clean up, they get out. Your son can't find his shoes, your other daughter can't find her lunchbox and the garage door won't close. And isn't it fun being a mom?? Gotta love it. Because among and within the organized chaos, you find moments of joy and the details. Sometimes I just need to slow down enough to notice them...because they make everything worthwhile.

If Becca weren't so cute and funny, she would get in so much more trouble. The other morning Jonathan gave Becca 2 gummy vitamins for herself and then gave her two more and told her to go give them to her brother, "Kikki" (her name for Nicky). She goes into the other room for a few minutes and then comes out and says, "All gone!" Jonathan asked, "Did you give the vitamins to Kikki?" (unfortunately for Nicky, they name has stuck for all of us). Becca replied with a sweet, "Nooooo." Jonathan asks incredulously, "Well, where are they?" Becca's reply? She opens her mouth...And grins.

Since Izzy, or "Sissy", according to Becca, has debunked the whole Tooth Fairy character, she started asking questions about Santa. She asked, "Mommy, do you and daddy buy the presents or does Santa?" I reply, "Well, Mommy and daddy buy you some things, but Santa also brings something. But, we do it because it's Jesus' birthday." Izzy silently ponders this. "Okay...but, Jesus is the best present!" This, after she gave all $20 she had saved and donated it to her school's Turkeys Tackling Hunger because she, "wanted to feel a whole family for Thanksgiving." In fact, the first grade raised more money than any other grade!

This afternoon, while Becca was taking a nap, I put Play Station 3 soccer on for Nicky (his favorite). I got into bed to defrost and thaw out from bible study ( is cold for Texas) and to try and get rid of the headache that was coming on. After a few minutes (and after Nicky beat the computer 13-0), he comes in and cuddles up to me. "Mommy, I love soccer...but, I love you more!" He is also a wonderful and caring brother. Becca has been scared of the dark (and of her curtains??) in her room at night. Monday night, as we were putting her to bed, she starts crying for "Kikki!!" She's been sleeping with him ever since. On Tuesday he made his two sisters and me bead bracelets. When he gave it Izzy, she said, "Oh, Nicky, it's beautiful! I love you!" Then she turns to me and says, "That's better than thank you, isn't it mommy?"

Okay, so Becca isn't sleeping in her own bed, Izzy got her guitar taken away last week because of a sassy attitude (and has yet to earn it back) and Nicky gets grounded from PS 3 soccer at least once a week, there are still those precious moments when a light goes on and your heart smiles and you think, "Every thing's going to be Okay."


The Fox Den said...

Love it.... and you!!!

AFJ said...

Jen Jen where are you?