I have started to read a much talked about book in my circle of church and Facebook friends, "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. I am not too far into the book, but I am already hooked. I can love God more. We all can. I can focus on Him more. We all can. I can be more mindful about His awesomeness and majesty more. We all can. I can listen to Him more. We all can. This life is God's movie. It's all about Him. And I am blessed to have a bit part in His kingdom here on earth to have an eternal one in the ever after with Him.
"We have only our two-fifths-of-a-second-long scene to live. I don't know about you, but I want my two-fifths of a second to be about my making much of God. First Corinthians 10:31 says, 'So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." That is what our each of our two-fifths of a second is about. So what does that mean for you? Frankly, you need to get over yourself. It might sound harsh, but that's seriously what it means."
I love how Francis Chan challenges us, the church, to change. There are serious problems in our church, which is the body of Christ. But, we can't just sit back and point fingers and place the blame on others. We need to look inside. What needs to be changed in us? How can we love more? How can we give God all the glory? We don't need to measure ourselves against the standard of those around us, but against the One who sets the standard.
"I think it's far too easy to blame the American church without acknowledging that we are each part of the church and therefore responsible. But, I think we all feel deeply, even if we haven't voiced it, that the church in many ways is not doing well. I get nervous when I think of how we've missed who we are supposed to be, and sad when I think about how we're missing out on all that God wants for the people He loved enough to die for...We need to stop giving people excuses not to believe in God. You've probably heard the expression 'I believe in God, just not organized religion.' I don't think people would say that if the church truly lived like we are called to live. The expression would change to 'I can't deny what the church does, but I don't believe in their God.' At least then they'd address their rejection of God rather than use the church as a scapegoat. "
I know people who have turned their backs on the church. Hurt by the body of Christ, they have walked away from it, never intending to turn their back on God. I know others that are seeking to fill the void of emptiness and despair with joy, hope, peace and love, seeking everything and everyone other than God. I firmly believe that the church, the body of Christ, should be the very first place someone hurting and broken can go to find hope and healing. And it breaks my heart that often times, it's not. Christianity is growing at rapid rates in countries where it is illegal to be a Christian. People are risking their physical lives for their spiritual ones. But, what about the countries where we are free to worship Christ? Is it that others have a greater need for the gospel? I don't think so. I don't think it matters where or who you are. All of our need for Christ is great. What is the one thing thing that separates Christianity from every other religion? Grace. I know I need grace. What about you? "Crazy Love is the perfect title for this book. When Jesus was asked, 'What is the greatest commandment?' He responded with 'Love.' " I know I need love. What about you? But, I also need to give more grace and more love. What about you?
"There is an epidemic of spiritual amnesia going around, and none of us is immune. No matter how many fascinating details we learn about God's creation, no matter how many pictures we see of His galaxies, and no matter how many sunsets we watch, we still forget. Most of know that we are supposed to love and fear God; that we are supposed to read our Bibles and pray so that we can get to know Him better; that we are supposed to worship Him with our lives. But, actually living it out is challenging. It confuses us when loving God is hard. Shouldn't it be easy to love a God so wonderful? When we love God because we feel we should love Him, instead of genuinely loving out of our true selves, we have forgotten who God really is. Our amnesia is flaring up again. It may sound 'un-Christian' to say that on some mornings I don't feel like loving God, or I just forget to. But I do. In our world, where hundreds of things distract us from God, we have to intentionally and consistently remind ourselves of Him."
OK, I am only on page 50 and I am already a little more than crazy in love with this book...and with God!
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