As I work to refocus my thoughts that have a tendency to be negative toward myself, I am intentionally looking for things to be thankful for and to see the blessings from my faithful God in even the smallest things. So instead of constantly beating myself down for the 5 pounds I want to lose (okay, 10 pounds if I really had my way) or my constant frustration with how the floor gets dirty 5 minutes after I vacuum, I choose to thank Him for a functioning body that produced 3 beautiful children and praise Him for having a floor under a roof to clean and a healthy family to make it dirty.
Every woman I know abhors sooner are you done that there is more to do. And dare you skip one day and all of a sudden you are 2 days behind! But, now as I fold clothes, I thank Him for providing clothing for us. And that I have a washing machine and dryer that does most of the work for me.
We watched a Nooma video (you should check it out at last night about how we, as Americans, are rich. "God Bless America." Well, He already has. Now, how can America bless Him and bless others? We have homes, cars, shoes for our feet, food (a lot) to eat, and even clean drinking water. The States makes up 6% of the world's population, yet we consume 40% of its resources. And, I am not talking about living green or reuse and recycle. I am talking about being intentional, being thankful to Him who provides everything we need and often more, and giving back...passing it on.
Rob Bell talked about when he and his wife were first married and if they stayed on their very tight and little budget they could go out to eat once a month. That one night in a restaurant was so special that they cherished each delicious bite. Now, when they go out to eat, it's no big deal. In so many ways, our success just makes us poor. That makes my heart so much we have taken for granted. Do my kids think that going to McDonalds is a huge treat like I did growing up? He spoke about some friends that went to Europe and met so many wonderful people. People that in our American standards were poor. But, they came home to find that instead of helping and ministering to these people, they received more than they could ever give. They saw that these poor people who had nothing had the one thing we don't...Contentment.
We have to be intentional about being content. In our culture, it is so easy to focus on what else we need...more...bigger...better. No sooner do I paint one room that I am thinking about what else to do in my home. In the last few months God has really challenged me and my family to see and to look for (yes, be intentional to look for it because sadly, we could miss it...and miss His blessing that comes along with it) what is truly important in our life. And it has been an amazing journey in trusting Him.
Yes, we are rich. We are all rich. But, I think I would rather be content.
Great post! We have most of the Nooma videos. Just the other day one of our kids said, "I'm starving!" Her eyes got real big and she knew the 15 minute discussion on who is really "starving" was coming. It's a big no in our house to be that dramatic when we have so much. :) How often I forget though.
Terrific post, Jen!
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