Monday, August 25, 2008

school daze...

Well, we made it! The first day of Kindergarten! I shed just a few tears as we left her. She was very excited and a little bit nervous. I am so excited for her! What a big step...and oh, what fun she will have! Her best friend, Emma, is in her class and I was able to get a quick pic of them in before Jonathan shooed me out. What do you mean I can't sit in the hallway and watch her all day?? Her little brother is quite sad and a little lost without his playmate, but I think he is also a little happy that he gets me to himself a little more than normal. Becca has been sick, so she is actually napping already and the house is unusually quiet right now. Her teacher, Ms. Little, seems very sweet and we have heard excellent things about her.

This picture of Izzy and her teacher, Ms. Little, was taken at Back to School Night. I had no idea how chaotic and rushed this night would be. I think this stressed me out more than the first day of school. I am trying to remember to stop...breathe...acknowledge my emotions...and then give them God. When I actually remember to stop and breathe, things go much better. But, I find that in the whirlwind of the moments, I get caught up in the pace of my surroundings and I forget to slow down and take it all in. But, a friend gently reminded me that I am practicing...not perfecting. Every time I step into the stressful, hurried pace of the world, I can take the opportunity to practice simplifying...boundaries...peace and joy...and not expect to be perfect at it.
On Friday and Saturday my girlfriends and I were able to go to San Antonio to the Living Proof Live Event with Beth Moore. I was so not excited for it...I just kept thinking of everything I had to do and frankly was down right cranky about it. So, I knew that meant that I really needed to go. It's like the gym or Celebrate Recovery...sometimes when you least want to be there, are the times when you most need to go. Because of my attitude, I knew that God wanted to speak something to me through it. And boy, did He! I told Jonathan that it was like Beth and I were having a private conversation in front of 10,000 people at the Alamadome. She spoke from Psalm 16 and told us of our Beautiful Inheritance and how desperately we need to get it into our thick heads that we ARE the heirs of God. What would are days look would we feel...if every morning we woke up, looked into the mirror and said with boldness, "I am an heir of God." Sometimes that is so hard for me to get through my thick head and heart. Isn't it so easy to believe for others? Her message spoke to the most tender places in my heart. I am so blessed that God does not give up on me! I am still practicing...
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AFJ said...

If I knew you were going to Beth Moore, I definetly would have gone. I was just in San Antonio and was torn between hanging out with the family or going to Beth Moore with my friend Amber. At the last minute, I decided not to go. And Amber told me how amazing it was. Glad you got to experience it!

nicole's nickel said...

I like practicing, not perfecting. I too try to stay in balance, SO HARD but so rewarding. It seems like depending on where I am on the spectrum(too perfect -to- doing nothing) the song is the same..memememe When I am in the middle, I am able to see others and most importantly God. Loved the photos!