Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have to be honest that I have had a hard time blogging lately. These peaks and valleys keep coming and no sooner am I on a peak, that the valley is already on the horizon. I just keep taking comfort in knowing that God works all things for good for those called according to His purpose. Romans 8 talks about having hope in the things unseen and having hope gives us perservance. Perserverance takes us through the journey and the pain to the blessings that waits for us on the other side. I am certainly not yet at the point where I am saying, "Thank you, Lord, for this painful experience and for the growth and faith you have provided from it." However, I am at the point where I know that time will come. God is so Good. His character is so Faithful. His word is Truth. And I praise Him for His perfect love, comfort, forgiveness and grace. I praise Him for the friendships and amazing Christian women He has brought into my life. I am awed by the miracles He has done in my husband - my knight in shining armor. Jonathan surprises, encourages and inspires me every day, while still holding me accountable and challenging me to grow. God knew what He was doing when He brought us together. Now, there is something difficult that I look back on and say, "Thank you, Lord, for that painful experience!" For the blessings have been abundant. He was bigger than my marriage. Now, He is bigger than my dreams, my hurts, my fears and my heart. I know He is taking me to a place where I have never been before. And I am choosing to Trust Him. I have been blessed through the brokenness. Now, I am waiting and ready for the restoration and redemption.

Women of Faith was everything I needed. It was hard, emotional, healing, joyful and renewing. I have been carrying the message and the high from the weekend with me. I hope to never lose it. Beth Moore is next!! Whoop, Whoop!!

Some highlights from the weekend.
  • A child afraid of the dark isn't half as bad as a man afraid of the light.
  • 2 Corin 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
  • Do not judge anyone on anything but the content of their character - Martin Luther King
  • BEE: Be aware of yourself. Eliminate the negatives. Eternal value (only what we do for Christ will last). In Christ we can BEE our best.
  • I know wherever I walk, I walk by Faith and my steps are ordered by the Lord. - Thelma
  • When God Winks - So many links...What is God telling me?
  • John 3:16. Max Lucado. He Loves. He Gave. We Believe. We Live.
  • Born Again - God does the work. From Above. The One who did it First, does it Again. Born - God exerts the Effort. Again - God restores the Beauty.
  • Here in the Love of Christ I Stand.
  • With Christ this earth is the nearest you will ever get to hell. Without Christ this earth is the nearest you will ever get to heaven.
  • Mandissa ROCKS!!
  • Sherri Shepard is beautiful!!
  • I want to be like Patsy when I grow up!
  • Women in Christ are super duper cool.
  • I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else, with anyone else than where I was and who I was with.
  • I have the best friends in the whole wide world.
  • God Loves Me. And He says I Delight Him.


Steph Cherry said...

I think God will show you how to find peaks in your valleys. You rock.

Whoop! Whoop! :o)

The Fox Den said...

I'm so grateful that we are both beautiful daughters of Him!