Wednesday, March 4, 2009

chaos in color...

Well, it has been an eventful week....I will keep it brief to spare you all of the boring little details. For starters, I read The Shack. My review: You HAVE to read it. Not only is it a beautiful story of why bad things happen in God's world, but it is beautifully written. It is prose in poetry and a touching, heartwarming story of God's perfect love and grace. It is certainly unconventional, but that's what makes it so special.

Then I went into the doctor's office for a simple outpatient procedure. In the middle of it (with my legs in stirrups no less...seriously) my heart stopped and I went into cardiac arrest. They bagged me, did CPR and after a minute gave me epinephrine in my IV. I woke up to 10 people staring at me in shock. Questions came flying at me..."How do you feel?", "Are you OK?", "Does your chest hurt?", "Your heart stopped.". My response: "What?", "I'm so sorry!", "Where's my husband?", "Where are my pants?"

After an eventful ambulance ride and a few hours in the ER (where, after The Shack, I realized that God sent me an angel in the form of a kind and beautiful black woman), they kept me over night for observation. It was a freaky reaction to the anesthesia and maybe even a combination of the kind of procedure.

My doctor said that the stars were aligned for me that day. I say it was God. The nurse in the room was a former ICU nurse and immediately started CPR. The anesthesiologist knew exactly what to do in an unusual, not often seen, experience in the OBGYN offices.

I have never felt more blessed and loved...and humbled. Not only do I feel like God isn't through with me yet, but through this chaos, He has shown us beautiful friends, neighbors and church that have felt more like family. My friend, Marla, spent the night with me in the hospital so Jonathan could be with the kids. Friends watched the kids all afternoon and evening for us. Dinner offers poured in. And most importantly...concern, love, support and prayers. God is so good!

I'm still sore and still processing it all. I hope I can honor Him through this and show others the same love that was shown to me. If only I could put my gratefulness in words.

That's not all...yesterday, my dear and wonderful husband lost his job. It is a scary time right now, but we are choosing to trust God. He is our provider and all good things come from Him. Not only that, He works all things for good! I know He is working something in and out and through us that is so big, it's bound to be beautiful.

I ask you for your prayers as we follow and obey our AMAZING God.


The Fox Den said...

I'll be praying! What a miraculous story to add to your testimony of what God has done in your life. I'm sorry your husband is going to be looking for work. Keep us updated on the job hunt and how you are recovering. Love you!

mattandpj said...

i happen to be in texas and met a friend of yours yesterday. she told me about your heart stopping. please know that you are in my prayers. it is shocking how delicate live is and how we have no control over even the involuntary movements of our organs. thank God He is in control. even though i don't often comment, your posts are such a blessing to me. bless you, Jen.

AFJ said...

Wow. I was in complete shock when I read your blog post. I was very scared when I read about your heart stopping! I am so glad the right people were there at the right time! I will pray that NEVER happens again and that you have a speedy recovery-I don't know-if you can have a "speedy" recovery from that!! And for Jonathan's job...we are so sorry and will be praying BIG TIME for your family. Your attitude is inspiring and because of that and your strong faith, I am not necessarily worried for you. Please let us know if you need ANYTHING...and call me sometime soon. Love you so much!

nicole's nickel said...

I loved that your first thought after your heart stopped was, I am so sorry. Where is my husband and where are my pants. Look at you concern for others first! I am glad God kept you, you are a bright light. We will be praying for you, praying that new change God is bringing will give you 2 incredible ways to glorify Him. Love you!