Thursday, February 12, 2009

ponderings of a tired mind....

I am just we ever get to the point where we achieve balance? Or is it always a struggle? Or is it a gray area (where I often like to mingle) and made up of seasons and phases of success mixed with seasons and phases of struggle? Because no sooner do I think that I have a system, a schedule, a routine, my priorities set and prayed over and some semblance of control (do you like how I still hold some sense of denial in thinking that I actually have any control?) that I get off track or distracted or behind. It seems like the littlest thing out of the norm throws me for a loop and I find myself in a state of being overwhelmed and struggling to find (achieve, if you will?)...balance.

I am just wondering....does anyone else allow the tone of their day to be set by the number on their scale? If it's low or within the accepted's a good day. If it's a few pounds's a terrible day.

I am just time going by faster? Is it slipping away? I am 32....My husband is 36. It has been almost 11 years since I graduated from college. It has been almost 15 years since I graduated from high school. Isabelle is about to lose her first tooth, Nicky is almost 5, and Becca is, well, a little crazy.

I am just wondering...does anyone else feel, with time moving at the speed of sound, well, overwhelmed with it all? To plan, but live in and enjoy the moment. To be a mom, a wife, a friend, a daughter, AND find and fulfill your destiny by following God's will and plan for your life?

I am just wondering....does anyone still struggle with doubt and insecurity? We are in our 30s and are parents ourselves, raising the next generations of warriors and princesses for Christ. Does anyone remember thinking their parents knew everything? Our dads were our heroes and our moms were always there with the perfect answer and cookies and hot chocolate. Does anyone feel like those are pretty big shoes to fill and that, while I can make cookies and hot chocolate, I don't have all the right answers?

I am just wondering...does anyone else feel that we all have our own issues and struggles and we are all doing the best we can? And wouldn't life be easier if we encouraged and accepted everyone as we are and where we are, each acknowleding our own issues? If we did, we all would probably have a lot less issues and reasons for insecurity and self-doubt. Or, at the very least, life, as we know it, would be a little bit easier.

I wonder...why did God make me this way and what does He have planned? How can all of my weaknesses, issues, and ponderings be used for His glory?

Does anyone? Or is it just me?

1 comment:

nicole's nickel said...

If we didn't have all of that, we wouldn't need Jesus. He shines through you, Jenn because you are open and voulnerable and share. Thank you for that, I love that about you. Christ alway emits through that, I think you are showing is grace is sufficient for you and continue trying to be all that he desires of you. Press on girl, relish in the days that are balanced and praise him for the help. Love you, Nicole